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Customer Display

Customer Display lists pending transactions that can be viewed by customers. This is most applicable in a restaurant setup.

For example, Customer A has ordered a "Combo Meal", customer is given a receipt and asked to wait. While waiting, customer can view the "Customer Display" to track if the order has been "Processed" and is "Ready" for collection.
  1. Orders are displayed with the last 3 digits of the receipt number.
  2. Only transactions that have products with "Bulk Item" enabled are listed on the customer display.
  3. The "Customer Display" is a public link, users access the display via the defined link.
Steps to enable Customer Display.
  1. Enable the process "POS Customer View Process (Kitchen/Bulk)".
  2. As the process is executed,  transactions will be loaded under "Business Intelligence --Customer View " in POS. The status will be "New Order".
  3. The kitchen staff can alter the status to "In Progress", "Ready" and "Delivered" as the order is processed. Right click on the order to change status.
  4. The "Customer Display" will refresh and update the status accordingly.
  5. Once the order is delivered, the "Order Number" will be removed from the display.
Figure 1 : Customer Display